Analysing the Ellington Kid

Analyse the Ellington Kid using the questions below as a guide.

What is the genre of the short film and what is it its basic premise?

  • Describe the use of sound and images in the title sequence- what are enigma codes are presented? Try to refer to Barthes’s action and enigma codes throughout.
  • Describe how the opening shots of the film establish the scene and characters?
  • How do their accents establish location? What are the audiences assumptions about this location?
  • How does the film cut away to the flashback scene- how is this intercut with the conversation scenes in the kebab shop?
  • How is sound used in the scenes of the stabbing for effect? Focus on how the sound is used as it cuts between the flashbacks and the kebab shop.
  • Describe the use of camera shots and sound as the narrative moves into the kebab shop
  • How is soundtrack/music used?
  • Describe the use of camera shots and sound as the confrontation between the owners and the gang members develops?
  • Can you apply the story of the film to Todorov’s narrative theory? Use a chart if necessary.
  • Can you apply theory such as Levi Strauss?

Excellent example here below: