Evaluating your practice filming

Explain how you planned the shoot and what you learned. Write a separate short evaluation of your different practice filming shoots- show how you progress and develop; refer to improvements in progression of knowledge and skill.

Things to focus on:

  • What camera shots did you use and why? Be specific- e.g we used a close up to show the tension on the face of the main character
  • From a technical perspective how was your camerawork? Are things in focus? Are shots exposed correctly (too light/dark)? Are you happy with the framing?- ie Are people positioned correctly in the frame- heads cut off, bits missing, objects or people positioned correctly?
  • What have you learnt  about continuity? (e.g do your shots cut together smoothly in terms of props and locations- do the clothes match up? Are props positioned in the right place from shot to shot?)
  • How did organisation on the shoot go? What went well/badly? Were you happy with your choice of locations? What will you do differently in the future? If you have any behind the scenes shots include them.


  • Explain what you learnt to do in Premier Pro (import footage, browse footage, move footage to timeline, execute straight cuts, add music, add titles) and include a screen shot of your work in progress on the programme. As you progress with Premier Pro identify the different techniques you use and master.
  • Have you successfully used edit techniques such as the 180 degree rule, cutting on action, eye line match, shot reverse shot?
