Scenes to Copy

Here are a variety of scenes from a variety of genres. Your task is to copy the scene as closely as you can in terms of camera shots and edits.

You do not need to include all the dialogue and you will have to be creative with locations- do not get bogged down in trying to match exact locations and props- this is an exercise to develop camera and edit skills. Your sequences should be around a minimum of 60 and 90 seconds at least.

Select a clip and screenshot each shot to act as your storyboard. Print this out and take it with you to be your guide.

The clip below is a well produced university training video which includes about 5 different scenarios to copy.

Approximate timing in the video of the different scenes:

4.00 Adventure; 6.40 Western; 9.40 Suspense; 13.50 Heist

The clips below are from feature films.




The final section of this scene could work well although the soft focus may be tricky.

You could also create a variety of shots from the cinematic techniques on the page below- a collage of well executed shots not linked by a story.

You could try a montage- find some examples here but you can also find your own-


Below are some student examples of some of the clips above:

A version of heist from the training vid:

A copy of the Submarine clip